Privacy Policy

As a company that handles your personal information, our work is regulated by the Law on the protection of personal data. The purpose of this website is to inform you about what we do with the personal information we process. Personal data, in the context of this law, all the data on which can be indentified; These include things such as your name, email address, delivery address, billing address, phone number and IP address.

First of all, we want to assure you that we are committed to protect the privacy of all our users. We will endeavor to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the data you provide to us and we will use them only to provide you with the services you are looking for.
The use and disclosure of personal data

Your information will be used and processed in accordance with the requirements and principles defined by the Law on the protection of personal data.

For details about you will be shared only within our organization among employees and designated representatives, or, if necessary, to third parties such as hosts - partners, sites where we organize events, our suppliers and deliverers, by providing the bolej services. We will not share your information for credit card payment, billing, for operational purposes, for authentication or for archival purposes.

We will keep your personal information for as long as needed in order to comply with their legal obligations. You must inform us of any changes affecting them, so that we can update your personal information.

However, if there is a reasonable belief that it is legally required to disclose your personal information to third parties, whether in accordance with any applicable law or regulation, due to a court order or in connection with legal procedures, we can do it. We may also use the information collected, but in anonymous form, and share them with third parties.
Your consent

By using our website, you acknowledge that you agree to this Privacy Policy and that you agree to use your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

We will do everything in our power to protect your personal data, using appropriate technical and organizational measures, and we will keep them in our database in a secure network. However, we can not absolutely guarantee the security of your personal information.

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General Provisions

If you want to find out what information you want to keep or modify them or remove them from our database or website, or if you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at We may charge a fee for requests concerning information.

We reserve the right at any time change this policy. However, we will not change the way we use your personal information, and you do not know in advance that you do not give a chance to choose the opposite or prevent the use of your data in a new way.

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